Thursday, September 29, 2022

Well, Sh*t...


The Beneken 1-scale BR151 Heavy Freight Locomotive in original green livery

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.  What some may consider to be one of the ugliest locomotives of the Deutsche Bundesbahn happens to be one of my favorites, the BR151 heavy freight locomotive.

The image above is a 1-scale model from the company Beneken, a model that would be completely out of my price range.  However Marklin has just announced that this locomotive will be produced in 1-scale by the Göppingers.  The list price is set at over $3000, but I'm sure it will be available for less. Normally I could inhale deeply and bite the bullet, but a pet peeve of mine is seeing a pantographed locomotive run without overhead wire.  This means that I would need to add catenary across all visible tracks on Carstenbahn one.  That's a cost that starts at about $50 a mast, btw.  Ugh.  Maybe the upgrade to the AV receiver will have to wait.

Anyway, I thought I would share this dilemma of mine.  But as my wife used to tell our daughter, "You can have anything you want, you just can't have everything you want."