Wednesday, May 25, 2022

Carstenbahn One, Where Have You Been?

 Yup, months and months since I posted, and a LOT of time between posts.  It has also been a long time since I did any work on the layout.  Well, okay, it's been a long time since I did any work on that layout.  

What you see in the image above is a trio of modules from the Great Lakes Chapter of ETE's modular layout.  The module with all the tracks, grass and ballast is part of the staging yard from the chapter's old layout, while the two modules in the foreground are new approach modules for that staging yard.  You see, for the past six months, I have been focused primarily on the ETEGL's modular layout, and with our first exhibit looming in just over two weeks' time, things are progressing at a hectic pace.  

A pair of newly-built corner modules for the ETEGL's modular layout

If you'd like to learn more about the ETEGL and our modular layout, feel free to visit the website at